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Wea. Clear SEPTEMBER 22 Ther. 45

I got up at 12:50 A.M. to go on guard duty. I guarded the line of Hq trucks from one hill there. After finishing guard duty I packed all my things and loaded them into the truck. AFter breakfast we lined up and pulled out 6:00 AM. The fog was teriffic. We passed over Pompton turnpike and about 1/4 mi from Frank Daley [[?]] Brook. The Highway were superb. From N.Y. we passed through N.J. Penna, into Md. On the last post we were not picked up. A trailer broke loose from the truck and wrecked near my post. After waiting from 5:30 to 8:00 Dixie and I decided to bum in. We got a ride from Chirchville to Rt 40 then by G.I. truck into Baltimore from there a Lt. in the Fire Dept. took us out to [[Hol?]] Ft. Lt. Hartnett brought us a lunch. The other fellows were picked up about 11:00. I got my bedding took a shower and went to bed in a barrack on mattress + [[beals?]] about 11:30