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Wea.  Clear- Rain
October 27
Ther. 80

I got up at 5:45 and after blowing the [[not sure]]
calls I had breakfast.  During the morn-
ing I attended rifel drill practice. 
It was rather interesting because I
never handled an Army rifel
before.  During the afternoon I practiced
on the bugle and wrote two letters.
After supper I washed up and
then listened to the radio and wrote
two more letters.  After lights went
out I took the radio up to the [[not sure]] tent
so we could listen to the president's speech.
I then blew taps and went to bed about
11:15.  It rained like h-- most of the
While listening to the presidents speech
I was fascinated by the way all the fellows
were interested in this speech.  Sargeants, cooks, 
weathermen, truck drivers and many other
men listened with the same intense interest.