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Wea. Rain
Ther. 60

I awoke at 0315 because it started to rain. We slept out in the open so the rain woke everyone. We had breakfast and then loaded all trucks to pull out for Bangor. At 0540 we pulled out of Knollwood. When we got to Sanford Capt Cutler caught up to us and told us to return to [[Moreston?]] strip to wait for the 11th. It rained all day so all we could do was stay in an old building. When the 11th trucks returned from Bragg we had early supper and then pushed off for Bangor about 2000E. Saw a three truck wreck at Pine Bluff. Three men severly [[severely]] injured. We rode all night. Everyone slept as best they could in the truck. In the floor seats and all over. To top it off the rain poured in the back.