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Cusp of Leo
August 21-28
Dominant, analytical, intellectual. Excellent teachers, salesmen and physicians. Very tactful, and rarely offend or disturb

August 24-September 24
Theirs is an orderly mind. Fine scholars and inspirational musicians. May be talented but never a genius. Excellent critic. A purist and statistician. Not aggressive, and good company. Thrifty and constructive in financial matters. Domestic, preferring country to city. Make a good commercial lawyer, scientist or philosopher. Lacks enthusiasm and emotionalism. Enjoys intellectual friendships but easily broken because of differing opinions. Make a good partner, trustworthy and diligent in all affairs. Best friends-- Capricorn and Tarus.

Cusp of Virgo
September 21-28
Discriminating and intellectual. The reserve of Virgo is contradicted by the ease and enthusiasm of Libra making a fascinating character. Always making the best of any circumstance. They are ardent lovers and devoted companions.

September 24- October 24
A deep, mysterious character; often deceptive in telling the truth. Very rhythmical and fond of dancing. Gentle and amiable. Inclined to procrastinate. Prone to making excuses to justify their actions. Not so good in financial affairs, but astonishingly accurate if necessary. Mathematical ability great. A gentle and subtle speaker. Domestic. In public affairs sound and conservative. Shrewd in tactics, ingenious. Make a good scientist, philosopher or clergyman. Best friends- Aquarius and Gemini.