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Cusp of Libra
October 21-28
Artistic, self-interested and materialistic. The women are excellent cooks and housekeepers. Executive ability. 

October 24-November 23
Strong will power. Direct to point, selfish, critical, skeptical, never compromising. A great seeker of the truth. Excellent physicians. Great organizer. Turns everything to his own account in money. Strictly honest. Powerful and eloquent speakers, sometimes make convincing clergymen. Fond of outdoor sports. Poor business partner. Best companions-Pisces and Cancer.

Cusp of Scorpio
November 21-28
Shrewd in all financial or business dealings. Magnanimous and generous. Very courages. Happy in married life. 

November 23-December 23
Fond of outdoor sports, particularly horses. Temperamental, expansive and altruistic. Idealistic and practical, honest and sincere. Very critical. Easily swayed by opinions of others. Good teachers and sure of financial success. Often presumptive of position. Promises not always fulfilled. Lasting friendships; religiously skeptical. Unusual degree of mental activity. Best companions-Aquarius and Aries. 

Cusp of Sagittarius
December 21-28
Deep thinkers. Make good teachers. Good conversationalists. Good workers.