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Words ending in e drop that letter before the termination able, as in move, movable, unless ending in ce or ge, when it is retained, as in change, changeable, etc.

Words of one syllable ending in a consonant, with a single vowel before it double that consonant in derivatives, as ship, shipping, etc. But if ending in a consonant with a double vowel before it, they do not double in the consonant in derivatives; as troop, trooper, etc.

Words of more than one syllable ending in a consonant preceded by a single vowel, and accented on the last syllable, double that consonant in derivatives; as commit, committed; but except chagrin, chagrined.

Words of more than one syllable ending in l have only one l at close; as delightful, faithful; unless the accent falls on the last syllable; as in befall, etc.

Words ending in l, double that letter in the termination ly.

Participles ending in ing, from verbs ending in e, lose the final e; as have, having, make, making, etc.; but verbs ending in ee retain both; see, seeing. Dye, to color, and singe, to scorch, however, must retain the e before ing.

All verbs ending in ly and nouns ending in ment retain the e final of the primitives; as brave, bravely; refine, refinement; except words ending in ge; as judge, judgment.

Nouns ending in y, preceded by a vowel, form their plural by adding s; as money, moneys; but if y is preceded by a consonant it is changed to ies in the plural; as bounty, bounties.

Transcription Notes:
Don't understand why in the second to last paragraph there is a extra e after the. Don't know if intentional.