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Clear - Snow    

Up at 0800M and then went to Mass.  Picked up my camera and went into Roy's. Had breakfast & lunch combined, waffels & bacon. Went to the Rainbow with Roy. Picked up his new singer on the way. She is tall, brunette and has beautiful eyes. Her name is Gloria Cohen.  She forgot her crosage so I went back to her apt for it. Took six flash shots of the orchestra. Gloria & her mother invited me up this coming weekend. At 1530M I went to the Civic Symphony at the auditorium. Rev. A Ahern & his wife bought me a ticket so I was their guest during the concert. It was my first concert so I thought it was grand. The Increddible [[Incredible]] Fluttist [[Flutist]] sure stole the show. I met Fran & her sister after the performance. Roy picked us up and then we had dinner at the Eckert's home. Iris got us each a valentine present. After developed my film and the negs look good. Fran, her sister & Roy bought