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Clear APRIL 2 55
Up at 0600M It's lonesome here in this room alone, I sure miss the gang. I finished packing and then went down to the finance and received $8.00 for rations. I then got my R.R. ticket. The truck picked up at the Orderly Room and also our luggage. I was to take the 1215M train but it never came in until 1530M. Since I had so much time in town I called Roy & said good-by. I then walked up to the Conoco bldg. where Frances works. I met her just as she was coming back from lunch. She looked positively stunning. We only had a few minutes together so all we did was look at one another. I said good-by to her and then caught the train to Chicago. My heart just fell as we pulled away from Denver. Of all the places I have ever been I never enjoyed anything as much as I did my stay in Colorado. It wasn't the state that made me feel this way, it was Frances, a divine person. I had a pullman so I went to stay about 2230C. Somewhere McCook, Nebraska. I had dinner in the diner.