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Up at 0730E I dressed and when I got down stairs Wally was there. Doney, Wally & I went to 0830E Mass. Then after breakfast we went out to Wallys and said good-by to his parents. Bob & Doris came up then we took a few Kodacolor shots. Mother & them then left for Cresson to see Sis. Daddy and the rest of us had lunch then and after cleaning up we went over to Kanski's. We all had a grand time talking and laughing. I wanted Connie to go to Erie along but she had another engagement. Wally & I then took a few more shots of the girls. They looked divine. After a little lunch [[strikethroug]] we [[/strikethrough]] Wally & I walked H.B. down town. Said good-by to all then started for Erie. I drove all the way up, stopped once for a little to eat. When we got to Erie We were early so we went for a ride out to the pensulia. The train left at 2010E a little late. While we waited tears came into Daddy eyes and he could hardly say good-by. I hated to leave but I didn't find it hard this time. It didn't seem that I had been gone a whole year. I hope to be back soon on a furlough. Went to bed as soon as my birth was made up, about 2130E.