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July 17

Clear                                        88

Up at 0645E.  After we cleaned up at the lab Geo, Ralph, Lt. White & myself went up in a B-17F and took some pictures of a formation flight of 12 Fortresses.  We were up for three hours over Waterville and Bangor.  Gee! It was thrilling,I enjoyed it very much.  After lunch I went to the hospital and received a typhoid shot.  We visited Geo Templeton in Ward 4.  During the afternoon we developed all the film and they turned out swell.  We made a second strip at 15,000 and had to wear oxygen masks.  I finished work about five thirty and after taking a shower I went down to Dick Hobbs apt for dinner.  His wife Ann is swell and the dinner was superb. We then played soft-ball until dark.  Met two new girls Jackie & Lydia.  Very nice kids.  Spent the rest of the evening at Dicks & Anns apt. Walked out to the base and to bed by 2330E.

Geo Howell went home on furlough.