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Up at 0400E. Got everything ready left the base at 0500E. Arrived at Brownsville junction in Piscataquis County about 0730E. While Capt. Nelson check up we were treated to coffee & doughnuts by some women. There were at least 25 of us men along. Went back 12 mi over an old R.R. bed to the Ketadin Iron works where we set up camp and then proceeded on our search. Lt. White waited at camp for news that they found it. But at the end of the day we had no luck. One man found his way out of the woods to a woodsman cabin where they found him at 1630E. The man is recovering at the base hospital. His watch was smashed at 1330E. And being burnt quite bad we came to the conclusion that he couldn't have walked far. When the clouds lifted a A-17 flew in and spotted the plane about 1730E. We then made camp, put up a few tents and had our first food of the day. All we had were jelly sanwitches. I was tired so I went to sleep about 2230E The mosquitos were terrible.