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A. Atlantic War Time Sunday

Clear  AUGUST 30  75

Up at 0615A. I washed up early to avoid the rush. Had eggs and bacon for breakfast in an old broken down diner. Where they found it I don't know. At 0930A. We got off of the train and boarded the boat Lady Rodney. It was a passenger & freight ship before the war and now it's a troop ship. Our bunks are in the hold near praw and what a stench. It stinks from molasses. Big rats, you could put a saddle on them. We had dinner aboard and it was quite good. We left port at Halifax and joined a seventy ship convoy around 1500A. The convoy is a hugh affair bigger than you see in the movies. Our ship has one 4" gun in the stearn to guard against subs. As an escort we have two destroyers and several Canadian small gun boats. I brought my blankets up on deck where I slept all night. The stars were beautiful and just millions of them. Of course we were under a total black out. The moon came up about 2330A and flooded the sea with silver. Bed 2400A.