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Clear - Cloudy.  SEPTEMBER 1  70

Up at 0545A. Took advantage of early hours again to clean up. Washed my head. We are still with the convoy going directly east. We are well protected by the destroyers & gun boats. It's hard to beleive we are in a big convoy. We also have a small aircraft carrier along with 5 planes on deck. Our ship also carries 5 depth charges. The whole convoy keeps constantly changing position and our speed is about 6 knots or 6 3/4 mi/hr. The Lady Rodney had four sister ships and this is the only one left. One was just torpedored last week in sight of Halifax. Around two in the afternoon a signal was given and all the ships took part in some target practice. It was quite an event for some of us. Tracer and Ack Ack puffs all over the sky and big 4 & 5 in guns going. I enjoyed it quite a bit but it didn't last long enough. As I dozed during the day I kept dreaming of Davey. I wish I could quit seeing his face as he lay in the hospital. The wind is getting quite strong tonight. Bed 2300A.