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October 1
Clear 70
Up at 0655A. Had breakfast. During the morning I went on a practice bombing mission but the bombs would not release due to a bomb bay switch not being turned on. Came back with the full load. Didn't take any pict. but I did see what the country looked like. All lakes and swamps with Gander field out in nowhere. No roads just a R.R. lead into the field. The runways are marvelous and hugh. It would take a cub 15 min. to fly the length of them. Printed pict. all afternoon. After supper I came back to the lab and printed some pictures for Mac Nought. Read awhile and then went to bed 2345A. 
Another squadron of 9 ships B-17F's came in today.
Had a letter from HB today with her picture included. It's swell of her.