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Clear | October 3 | 70 |

Up at 0730A. I was lazy this morning so didn't eat breakfast. Had another letter from H.B today. Her letters are getting a little more personal each time, I hope she keeps that up.  Smith & Pfuhl went down to Snelgrove near Torbay to take pictures. They were gone all day. I was quite busy mounting passes for Base flight. Lt. Murphy liked the job I did and he may be able to get me some flying time. After supper I practiced the sax awhile and then went to the show with McNaught. "Jungle Book" This makes the second time I've seen it. Read awhile and went to bed about 0045A.
Hope to get a sax lesson this Tuesday. Bill Foster is quite a busy guy.
H.B. met Alice Curry at the Hygrade and in her letter she ask if I still remember her