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Snow - Rain  OCTOBER 19  30

Up at 0730A. No breakfast again. I'm sure getting lazy. I worked all day at the lab and got some office supplies at the A.C. Supply. I typed up my first English lesson during lunch hour and sent it in. I was going to do a lesson a week but I'm lucky if I get one done a month. About 35 planes B17F's came in today and have to wait for good weather before going across. After supper I met Midge and we picked up Brownie and then went to the concert. Mac went to the show so he intended to join us at nine but the girls were tired so they went to their barracks right after the concert. It wasn't much an imitation of "Hells' a' popin" Very poor. Walked Midge to her barracks and then I returned to mine where I read until 0030A.