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Rain - Clear  OCTOBER 28  60

Up at 0730A. I lettered negative most of the day and finished them. At one oclock noon I reported at the gym because my name was on the list for commander of the guard for a month but it didn't take me long to talk the ATC Lt. out of it. Next time Shebby tries to put me on his shit list he had better close all the loop holes first. Personally I got more power behind me then he has. After lunch Smitty & I made some enlargements at Hanger 7. just before supper I had to rep at the Hospital to give them another sample of blood for my Wasserman. The others spoiled on the way to St. Johns. About 1800A. I came back to the lab and washed the enlargments. Played the sax awhile and then to see "Power Town" again. When I say again I mean I saw it in the states. Read awhile and then to bed 0015A.