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WEA.  Cloudy.  January 1   THER.  35

[[underline]] Happy New Year. [[/underline]] Last year was a wonderful year. I learned a lot and I hope 1943 will be just as good a year as last. We lost Doney but it was Gods gain when he died. Again this year my resolutions will be the same as last year, "To learn all I can and to better myself in every way possible and to make all the friends I can." I can say with assurance that I did very good last year and I have nothing to regret in any way. I'm still undesided what to do after the war, to go to college or set up a studio. Everything depends on this coming year. Mary Norris may enter the picture and if she does my life will be complete. Up at 1030A. Mac + I had dinner together. Went to moms at 1100A. Worked at the lab all afternoon. Went to the show "Seven Day Leave", it was very good. Read awhile then to bed at about 0100A.