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WEA. Cloudy-Clear February 3 THER. 25

Up at 0900A. I helped Ken & Mary at the Lab all morning. After lunch I heard we were going back to Gander as I went back to the lab and waited for the inevitable. About two Merriam came in and still undecided. He left about four and then called and said to get ready. All afternoon Mary was so close and we both hoped for the best because we had plans for dinner tonight. After Merriam called I went into the dark room where she was working. I was in a hurry so I swooped down on her. I kissed he beautifully (I think) It must have been a surprise to her because all she said was "I didn't expect that Johnny." I don't remember my reply and when I left she was still all aglo and wispered Good-by Darling." What a sweet gal, I sure hated to leave. It was dark when we took off and landed at Gander and hour and a half later. God it was good to get back. Mac and I gave one another the traditional mauling when one of us gets back. I was away 33 days. I cleaned up and then I wrote a terrific letter to Mary. Listened to the radio and then bed 0130A.