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WEA. Rain 
March 7 
THER. 40         

Up at 0930A. I showered and went into Norrises where I met Mary and we went to Mass together. Mary + I continually look into each others eyes and hold on for dear life. She is so simple, sweet and lovable that all I think of is her. Mary Norris. We had a grand dinner, Pete served. During the afternoon Mary sewed my  chevrons on my overcoat while I watched. I'm afraid I have it this time for sure because I was never so happy before. We planned on going to the USO but it began to rain hard so we decide to stay in and dance. Bob Gueshi, his girlfriend, Alicia and Gordon were there too so we played cards and danced.  Later Mary & I played hide and seek with Cookie. I had a wonderful time. I carried Mary down the back steps and she got lipstick all over my shirt. We danced until [[strikethrough]] 1030 [/strikethrough] 2430A. Every one went to bed except Mary & I. I never knew I could know a woman so well and she responds to everything. I think Mary likes me as much as I like her. I slept at Norrises all night. I really must be in good with the family. Showed Mary the Kodachromes and she liked them very much.