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WEA. Snow
April 13
THER. 28

Up at 0730A. Had room Orderly today. Worked at the lab as usual. We finally got mail today. I had about ten letters and a cake from Mrs. Norris. It was very good and I gave all the fellows in our bay a piece. Went to the show and then answered Mrs. Norris letter - The gang from Torbay was up today. About noon I got a call from the operator + he said to expect a call from Argentia about eleven. at eleven Molly Cally called and connected me with Mary. It was grand to hear her voice again, sweet as ever. She is visiting Molly for a week or so. We had a grand time talking for an hour + 45 mins. For the past two weeks I've been burying a lot of memories in hard work but tonight they were all brought to the surface again but this time I have them under complete control. Wrote a letter & then went to bed and slept well even though Mary did call. 2400A.