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WEA. Clear.
July 21
THER. 90

Up around 0730E. During the morning we went out to the Roger Williams Park. We took pictures and then Midge and I sat under the tree and just enjoyed everything. I told Midge I loved her and for awhile she didn't answer but when she did I knew stranger that we were we were completely in love. When and how we'll get married I don't know but the future will work that out. We let ourselves go completely and it was the most thrilling moment I have ever had. It was late so we got the trolly back. What a mess we were! We are going to pick out a ring when I get back again which I hope will be soon. There are no words to explore what I feel and learned I love Midge. She is everything. Had a little lunch and then waited for train time. Midge & I just looked into each others eyes and tried to find an answer for the things that happened during the day. Met her at the Station and then kissed them both good by. I wonder if Mrs. knew what had happened because of the way I kissed Midge. Everything was so perfect that I was dogged by its suddenness. Changed trains at Boston then out to Portland into Bangor.