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Saturday, "   7..............29   40   37
Sunday,   "   8..............28   38   36


The York County Teacher's Institute will be held next week. Among the day instructors are Prof. S.S. Haldeman, of Chickies, and Prof. J.V. Montgomery, of the Millersville State Normal School. The evening lecturers will be Rev. Dr. Warren, Philadelphia, on "Forces in a Sunbeam;" Wallace Bruce, Esq, New York, "Landmarks of Scott;" Tod Ford, Esq, Ohio, "Go West, young man;" Mrs. Elizabeth Cady Stanton, "Madame de Steai;" Daniel Dougherty, Eqs, "The Stage."

Schoolhouse Robbed

The teacher of Harmony Hall school, of Pequea township, upon reaching the schoolhouse this morning found one of the shutters broken open and also his desk   Upon examination it was found that a Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, a towel and a piece of soap were the only articles taken. Several articles of value were left. It was evidently a tramp that did the work   One of these customers was seen sitting near the door about sundown of last evening. The scamp burped a lot of paper and all the matches he could find, and left a supply of smoking tobacco and dirt upon the floor.

A Warning.

Information has lately been received that some person or persons have imposed on the benevolent people of Marietta, Elizabethtown and places in Lancaster county by representing themselves agents of the Women's Christian Association of Harrisburg. No funds in that manner have ever been received by us, neither have we any authorized agents anywhere, excepting the managers of the association, who solicit in the churches of Harrisburg alone. By order of the President, Mrs. Dr. Fleming.



Sunday morning a little boy, aged seven or eight years, named John Morton, son of Jacob Morton, keeper of the lock at the canal, at Collin's Station, was missing, and a diligent search was made. His hat was discovered floating in the canal and it was deemed necessary to drag it. After working for three or four hours the body was found near the lock. The little fellow had wandered from the house, and falling into the canal had drowned.

Arrested for Stone Throwing.


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The Proud Position Gained by Arthur P. Gorman.


Wonderful Success of the Maryland Senator, Who Directs the Anti-Force Bill Fight.

WASHINGTON, D.C., Jan. 24.

"FOR PRESIDENT, Arthur P. Gorman, of Maryland; for Vice President, Isaac P. Gray, of Indiana." This, with the addition "in 1892," was what a distinguished Democratic Senator wrote the other day on his visiting card, and suggestively handed it around to some of his party associates. They all smiled, as we smile when our thoughts suddenly confront us in another man's words with a sense of recognition beyond that of meeting old friends. For they had all been thinking this, or something like it, the variation being invariably in the name of the candidate for Vice President. One had thought of Campbell of Ohio; another of Dickinson, of Michigan, and a third of Boies, of Iowa, for the second place on the ticket. No one of them was expressing his preference, mind you, for one was a Cleveland man, and the rest were not committed. But the interesting thought had occurred to every mind that if Cleveland should not be nominated Gorman might be. It is curious to observe how general has been the spread of this idea during these fighting days. It is not confined to the Senate. It has been found all over the Democratic side of the House. Gradually the face that Gorman is a great leader has gotten into the dullest or the most reluctant mind, and as great leaders are rare-even in the Democratic party-it has been the most natural thing in the world to go on from this to the belief the Gorman is a Presidential possibility. As a disinterested observer from the gallery, I am compelled to say that Gorman has demonstrated by hard fighting under most difficult conditions that he is the man to lead the Democratic party in Congress. Yet this seems to be a great thing to say when I look down and see Carlisle and Gray, Vest and Harris, Morgan and McPherson sitting beside him, to say nothing of Mills and Crisp, the Breckinridges and McMillin in the House. It is not strange that Gorman has has had to wait for the recognition of his great talents, for he has had to make his way through ranks of strong men to the front of his own side before even engaging the enemy. But there he is-the foremost man of all, and that not by accident, not by capricious choice, but as the man accorded the place by the general voice of his colleagues.


Gorman's success is the more wonderful when you consider how little he owes to formal education. At 13, an age when most of his colleagues who are in the front r [[page ripped]] were about be- [[page ripped]] ducation, Gorman