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But my aerial float being ready for the air-life, we will leave the contingent method. Spirit-force, rest for a future consideration.

It would be frivolous to say that the embarkation on such a mission was marked by the ordinary emotions incident to a common journey.  No - the very thought of soaring upon ether's wings and waves to become a [[strikethrough]]visitor [[/strikethrough]] traveler of those vast cerulian fields - a visitor to the clouds - the mists - the hail, and snow - the rain and the rain-bow - the vast supermundaniain mountains and chasms- moving to and fro - shaking from their huge bodies the sweat of their travail in torrents of dissolved and concrete vapor, was of itself a soul inspiring[[strikethrough]] th [[/strikethrough]] excitement, and in a manner introductory to the events to be realized. 

Such are the extacies [[ecstasies]] that carry the spiritual life from the earthy - the soul from the body, of those who have advanced far enough in spiritual life in this world, to be taken abroad by the freed spirits of the outer world, and shown those marvels they relate to us on their return.

My first adventure into the upper realms of space passed away like a dream - it was no less a solemn, than it was a grand theme.  The elastic cord of gravitation became more musical as it became more attenuated.  The air and the clouds became vocal to the ear, and the eyes swelled from their sockets with eagerness to scope the great panorama of nature.  There arose a convulsive struggle between soul and body. While the earthy body was still bound by that inevitable cord of gravitation, the spirit wrestled to make its escape to go to the earth no more.  Away Thou crude and boisterous habitation, cried the spirit; but the body grasped it more forcibly in response, and thus the struggle went on for a time.  The bond of union, sealed by the great seal of nature, as a pledge that we shall not be entirely liberated from this dual life when we enter the domain of this planet,