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inasmuch as there proved to be a liability of rending the linen, by the manipulation of the float, at the points at which these stops were attached. I have therefore substituted tubular loops, through which the rods may freely slide, thus obviating all danger of rending the float. In consequence of the premature attachment of some of the rods, and the improper mode of attaching others, several small rents have occurred, some of which have yet to be repaired. This is easily done by sewing a neat linen patch upon the rents, either inside or outside: they do not appear conspicuous, nor injure the appearance. The float is now suspended upon flexible bands or slings clear from the ground; and we effect the varnishing by raising one leaf or portion of the float, while other parts remained compact. The varnish employed, dries almost immediately. I have recently erected an additional tent, 16 by 30 feet, in which are stored such parts of our apparatus as require shelter. A watchman is employed, and my best hands of both sexes hold themselves ready to aid in bringing the aeroport to successful operation, whenever we may be favored with a few days of mild and clear weather.

I have at present on hand, and which belongs to the company of shareholders, the float, 160 feet long, and nearly complete; the saloon, 50 feet long, complete, (but with the covering temporarily removed,) comprising a cabin 20 feet long, furnished with seats, and with a landing car, 6 by 3 feet long,  furnished with seats and railings, and with geared windlasses, whereby persons may ascend or descend with facility; two excellent brass engines, with improved valves, pitmans, and connecting rods; a copper tubular boiler, capable of producing three horse-powers of steam, or of sustaining a pressure of 500 lbs. to the square inch, yet only occupying a space of 40 by 16 inches, (less than five square feet,) and weighs less than 300 lbs., including the casing and furnace; a beautifully finished self-regulating pump, which operates independently of the steam engines, (being operated by steam direct from the boiler,) and will invariably, and without any attention from the engineer, keep the boiler supplied with the precise quantity of water required, whether the engines are in motion or at rest; a self-regulating replenisher, for the purpose of keeping the float constantly supplied with hydrogen. This machine is to be kept supplied with plates of zinc and dilute sulphuric acid, and is so constructed that the acid will not come in contact with the zinc while the float is sufficiently full of gas; but whenever the gas becomes in the least degree deficient, a lever descends and opens a valve whereby the acid and zinc are brought in contact, and a stream of gas is made to flow through a receptacle of lime water, and thence to the float. In fact, the replenisher is so adjusted by the state of the gas in the float, that only a sufficient portion of the zinc is subjected to the action of the acid, as to produce the precise flow of gas required to keep the float uniformly replenished. Also on hand two light propelling wheels 12 feet diameter; a hollow quadrangular rudder; a parachute 14 feet diameter, and a blowing-wheel that will drive, arbitrarily, ninety cubic feet of air (wind) at each revolution of the hand.crank; two endless gear-chains, 35 feet each; ten cubical generating boxes of 200 gallons each; ten casks, and 250 feet of flexible pipe. And last, 8,000 lbs. of zinc, and 8,000 lbs. of sulphuric acid. The plates of zinc are already arranged in the boxes, and the pipes attached, ready to produce a vast stream of hydrogen at short notice, whenever the addition of acid is made.

The number of persons employed at the tent has probably averaged seven, and at an average salary of $1 40 per day. This amounts to $60 20 per week, allowing seven days to the watchman. This expense has continued 23 weeks, amounting to - - - - $1,384 00 The cost of fibrous materials for the tent, float, and saloon, 2,000 yards - - - - - -   - 300 00
Planks, boards, and joists, including sawing and dressing - 75 00
Materials for varnishing - - - - - - 45 00
Engine, boiler, furnace, pump, chains, and gear - - 400 00
Cartage, horse-work, &e. - - - - - - 100 00
Fares and freights - - - - - - - - 35 00
Cordage and hardware - - - - - - - 50 00
Materials for inflating, including carboys - - - - 600 00
Personal services 25 weeks - - - - - - 250 00
3,234 00

I have sold about five hundred and thirty shares,* for which I have received $2,650; and have furnished upwards of $400 from my private resources already. I am now in arrears with the workmen and merchants nearly $100, and suppose the work will cost $100 more to put it in complete operation.
    I intimated in No. 11 a disposition to sell a few more shares, and the 

*Only 800 shares embrace an interest in the small experimental aeroport.

hint was responded to from a few friendly [[?]] $70: two persons especially, who had previously [[?]] and whom I shall ever regard with gratitude [[?]] additional each. And now, I can assure all [[?]] not to say certainty of success, is bright [[?]] it is still my opinion that before next [[?]] present year closes--these shares will command [[?]] the circumstances, I now respectfully soli[[?]] patrons, who have sufficient confidence, and [[?]] have $5 to spend [[?]] send for one more share each, to prevent any [[?]] harassment at the [[?]] of a complete experiment. In full confidence [[?]] at this appeal [[?]] fail of a generous response, I subscribe myself [[?]] our faithful [[?]] fiding servant.

WASHINGTON, D. C., Nov. 29

TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This may certify that I hold several [[?]] having bought one quite recently) in Mr. R. Porter's aeroport en [[?]] that I have very frequently visited and examined his work during [[?]] thereof, and that I am satisfied that Mr. Porter has made all rea[[?]] and exertion to complete his aeroport at an earlier day: that the [[?]] occasioned, principally, by adverse events, which no person would [[be?]] likely to have foreseen; and that I am still confident of his ultimate [[?]] T. S. [[?]]
In consideration that some of the shareholders have never [[?]] of my original prospectus, and notwithstanding the humiliating [[?]] between my estimate and the actual expense, I deem it advisable [[?]] it an insertion, as follows: 

THE [[?]] SHIP.

A chance to secure a cash income of $[[?]] to £20[[?]] per week for [[?]] investment of [[?]] dollars in advance.

It is extensively known that the undersigned has by the [[?]] experiments, so fully demonstrated practicability [[?]] aerial [[?]] who have duly examined the [[?]] are convinced and [[?]] whose interests are adverse to [[?]]  to success, can often word [[?]] against it.  Several model [[?]] have been constructed [[?]] has operated successfully: a [[?]] of them, sixteen feet [[?]] steam-engine, by the power [[?]] which the machine was [[?]] guided by its own helm, [[?]] rapidly through the air, [[?]] of wind, in direct lines or [[?]] according to the adjustments [[?]] machine was witnessed and applauded by hundreds [[?]] and notices thereof were published in several newspaper [[?]]ose cities [[?]]he time.  Since those experiments were made, the invention made aerial improvements, whereby the invention is now perfected [[?]]t appear [[?]] that a safe and durable aerial ship (or aeroport) capable [[?]] one and fifty passengers at a speed of ninety miles an hour more perfect [[?]] than the expense of running it will not exceed $5 per. This [[?]] make the trip to Calfornia or to Europe in two days, and be patrons [[?]] the abundance of business, (more than 50,000 persons now ready to [[?]] passages) at $200 per passage, which [[?]] amount to $9 per trip, [[?]] or $60,000 per week, besides $4,000 for carrying the [[?]] this [[?]] is owned in shares of $5 each, a single share will [[?]] com of [[?]] week. It is ascertained, by a minute and careful [[?]] an [[?]] feet long, and capable of carrying five [[?]] at [[?]] miles per [[?]], may be constructed for $1,500. Now having [[?]] of the [[?]] requisite to put this invention in operation on [[?]] tactical utility, I propose that if three hundred persons [[?]] subscribers each. [[?]] when the whole amount of $1,500 [[?]] have been [[?]] I will [[?]] with construct this pioneer aeroport, (which [[?]] weeks;} and when this is put in operation, I can readily [[?]] for constructing a large aeroport, as above mentioned. And I will [[?]] that [[?]] subscriber, on the payment of the said [[?]] of [[?]] furnished with a regular title-deed, which shall entitled [[?]] holder there three-hundredth part of this first aeroport, and also [[?]] one [[?]] part of the first large aeroport that shall be construct [[?]] and of [[?]] that may be derived therefrom for two years; [[?]] to be [[?]] in repair without expense to the shareholders. [[?]] not be [[?]] to single shares, but each may [[?]] any as [[?]] first; and will receive dividends [[?]] which [[?]] estimate, will be $20 per week on each [[?]] payable [[?]]; and the [[?]] money may be sent to the firm of [[?]] Withers [[?]] this city,) who will, on the receipt [[?]], forward [[?]] a [[?]] deed as above stipulated, and will [[?]] treasures [[?]] transfer the money to me as the [[?]] of the [[?]] will be furnished semi-monthly [[?]] progress [[?]] of the work. It is confidently [[?]] that by [[?]] region [[?]] may be examined, and the light [[?]] and [[?]]nated through benighted lands [[?]]; and [[?]] honor [[?]] names of those who now [[?]] aid the [[?]] invention [[?]] calculated to confer immense [[?]] the [[?]]. 

P. S. My accounts with the [[?]] to me direct, and the deeds will [[?]] forward [[?]] WASHINGON: [[?]] BY