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[[image - drawing of a hot air balloon labeled Irene]]


The above cut, is an exact representation of that "thing of air" the baloon "Irene", made and owned by Mr. John Wise, the distinguished American AEronaut. For years the name of this gentleman has been as familiar to our ears as "household words". In the days of our boyhood, we remember standing in Philadelphia, watching Mr. Wise rising from earth amid the plaudits of ten thousand people, who then deemed a successful ascension, as almost a thing impracticable.

Mr. Wise is a man, whose perseverance is worthy of imitation. In a work he has recently issued, entitled "A System of AEronautics," he gives an interesting paper, relative to his early experiments. He is the second American who ever attempted such an experiment. Mr. Durant, a native of this city, was the first. In 1835, Mr. W. first set to work to construct a baloon. In the month of May, in the same year, he made his first ascension from a vacant lot, situated on the corner of Ninth and Green streets, Philadelphia. Soon after this he attempted another, but an accident unavoidable, occurring, it was postponed. His third attempt and successful voyage, was made from Lebanon, Pa., on the 4th day of July, 1835. According to Mr. W.'s statement it came near being his last. His descent, although not as grand as his ascent, savored somewhat of the ludicrous. Seeing a "green un" below him seated on a fence, he gave him a salute, requesting him to lend a hand, or rather assist him in gaining a foothold on terra firma. At this junction, down came the grappling iron upon the elevation where the astonished homo was seated, and the balloon gaining a fresh impetus, carried off fence and all, sending Jonathan head over heels, after a style that would have made him an object of especial interest in a country circus. 

After innumerable experiments, some of which nearly cost out daring adventurer his life, he has acquired such a knowledge of his favorite science, that makes him the best baloonist in the world. He has made in the last fifteen years, one hundred and fifty-four ascensions, and will to-morrow afternoon make his one hundred and fifty-sixth, from the interior of Franconi's Hippodrome. We consider that M. Franconi, in engaging Mr. W. has hit upon an idea, that will at once prove acceptable to our citizens generally. 

The canopy of the Hippodrome, is so arranged, that it can be removed and replaced again, so as not to interfere with the night performance. Not withstanding the balloon ascension, which will be given as an extra accompaniment, of the usual extraordinary attractions, offered at this most popular and desirable place of amusement, the regular performances will be given, without any additional charge.