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[cut out of a partial headline covering the bottom story, typed with a guess at the words]
By the Editors of The Caledonian:

By your request I furnish the follo
[end of partial]

[[beginning of partial story showing that is covered up by above headline]]

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and the net work over the balloon caught in a tree, about 40 feet above the ground; and in a few moments three ladies came to my assistance and took hold of the rope and got it off the tree, without injury to th eballoon or myself. By this time some twenty persons had assembled, who kindly volunteered to give me every assistance in their power, and so with their help, I soon had the balloon and net-work packed in the basket, thus concluding my last aerial voyage alone at 10 minutes past 4 o'clock, having been in the air about one hour and [?ty] minutes. There was a quantity of tissue paper in the basket, as also my flag staff, which were soon divided among those present as tokens of remembrance.  About this time I remembered that I had a bottle of Wine, which had been placed in my basket, by my friends at Shannondale. for the purpose of treating my friends where I might land. [?]we all adjourned to the nearest spring, and all [?]ned in finishing the bottle.  As one of the persons present was about taking a drink, he was reminded that he was a Son of Temperance, his reply was that the Order of Sons of Temperance did not prohibit the drinking of spirits that came from above.  I landed on the farm of Mr. Ehud Turner. [situated?]uated about 1/2 mile from the Patomac River and the same from the Opequon Creek.  And from Mr. Turner I learned that I was 5 miles from Williamsport. 10 miles from Hagerstown, 5 miles from Shepherdstown. and [sic]21 miles from Shannondale Springs.  Mr. Turner treated me with every kindness. [sic]
giving me my supper, lodging and breakfast, and in the morning sent me to Shepherdstown, for [?]of which I feel deeply indebted, as he would not receive one cent for all his trouble.  From Shepherdstown to Charlestown I was brought by Mr. Brooks, and at Charlestown Mr. Sappington had a horse and buggy in readiness to convey me to the Springs. 


Mr. Wise's Balloon Ascension.
   The weather on the Fourth was very fine--sufficient wind to render shady spots cool and comfortable--and soon after dinner the people moved in continuous streams, from various parts of the city, towards the large enclosure erected by Mr. J.M.Kinney, preparatory to the Balloon ascension of Mr. John Wise. This enclosure, we were told by Mr. K., would comfortably seat 15,000 persons. When we arrived at the enclosure we found it so crouded that very many, ladies especially, could see nothing of the process of inflating the Balloon--a very interesting part of the performance. Unexpectedly to many, if not to all the audience, Mr. Wise suddenly got into his Car, Mrs. W. handed him a flag, and perhaps other articles usually taken up on such aerial excursions, and the Balloon, having been loosed from the earth, gracefully ascended heavenward amid the cheers of the vast audience.--These were responded to by Mr. Wise, who gracefully waved his hat and flag until he was lost to the eye. To attain an altitude of about one mile Mr. W. threw overboard much of his ballast, which was confined in small sacks. Passing south about 31/2 miles, Mr. W. descended safely in a small opening in the woods. He was soon waited upon by Capt. N. Marion, who saw him descend, and assisted him to secure his Balloon--which, with the gentlemanly voyageur, was soon brought to the city in a carriage.
  Mr. Wise desired and intended to make a voyage of from one to three hundred miles and was much annoyed at his failure to accomplish it.  During the process of inflation, parts of the Balloon came in contact with each other. The gas heated the fabric internally, and the sun baked the lapped parts externally, until they became as solid as any part of the Balloon. Being distended by inflation, these places gave way and Mr. W. was compelled to tie them up with common twine, as a bag [rest is cut off] ed, and leave with his Balloon half inflated, or make no ascension. For some [covered over]e unknown to us he was not provided [covered over] a suitable awning to protect his Balloon from the weather, and to this fact alone may be attributed his failure to accomplish all his desires. The ascension, however, was entirely satisfactory to everybody but himself.
  Mr. Wise assures us--and it is not difficult to believe--that a view of the earth, even one mile from its surface, is indescribably imposing and beautiful. Its surface appears concave, while the horizon looks as if on a level with the beholder. The earth is dotted with villages, farm residences, &e., and encircled or banded by roads--all of which appear to move because the aeronaut has no landmark by which he can determine whether he moves or is stationary. Though affected like other men while on the earth, and looking at objects beneath, Mr. W., and all others who ascend to great heights, loses all giddiness, and is perfectly at ease. Of course the atmosphere is very pure at a considerable distance from the earth, and human senses become very acute. Mine host of the American, Mr. Kelsey, presented Mr. Wise a sealed bottle of Wine which he took with him on the occasion about which we write. When Mr. W. reached his greatest altitude he smelled wine so strong that h [rest is cut off]
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After waiting until 2 o'clock (an hour sooner than was anticipated) their wishes were gratified. The "bird" soared majestically aloft, and in a few moments was moving in a north east direction, amidst the shouts of the spectators, and the noise of music. Mr [sic]Wise, himself did not go up, but his place was supplied by his son, who for the first time ascended alone. He was of course slightly [sic] nervous at first, but as he had three times before, made the ascent with his father he was, according to his own assertion, very pleasantly situated. Little or no wind was blowing, and he remained almost stationary for three quarters of an hour over Charlestown, 7 miles distant, and at an altitude of 1 1-2 miles. A current of wind then took him in an easterly direction nearly to Harpersferry where again he was carried in an opposite direction over Shepherds-town 18 miles distant.--At this place he attained his highest altitude, 2 1-2 miles, and after remaining in the air until 4 o'clock, landed a short distance from the Patomac river in a wood.
  The view he describes as magnificent: it took in four or five of the finest counties in Virginia on both sides of the blue Ridge, and large portion of Maryland. The spot, where he landed was 22 miles distant from Shannondale. Of course after his return; he was the hero of the day, and attentive crowds listened to his story. 
SHANNONDALE September 2d

OF steady habits, and who is a good Pressman, will find a permanent situation by application at this Office immediately.  Sept. 6, 1853
  The Balloon Ascension at Shannondale Springs on Thursday last, was a beautiful affair, and elicited the approbation of all who were in attendance, and reflected the highest credit upon the youthful aeronaut, who with unusual courage, composure and self-possession so gracefully assisted his frail tenement in navigating the air, as though it were a thing of life. We publish in another column an interesting description as to the ascention, [sic] furnished by the young gentleman who made it, which precluded the necessity of our doing more than merely calling attention to the same. 
  On the part of Capt.Sappington every possible effort was made to give satisfaction to all, and from Thursday until Saturday, Shannondale, as may be well imagined, was a scene of extraordinary excitement. The Springs will be kept open, should the public so desire, until about the latter part of the month.