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Owing to the state of the weather the arrangement for the ascension of Mr Wise from the Common in h "Young America" balloon were somewhat delayed. The requisite amount of gas having been obtained, M Wise took his seat in the balloon, and all being read the cords were cut at nearly half past seven. The acension was a most beautiful one, the aerial car darting upwards nearly in a perpendicular direction. The wind was light from W. N.W., and after attaining  height of about a mile and a half, the aeronaut floating off in a south east direction. Mr Wise in his cour passed over Neponset river, at no great distance from the bay. A remarkable fact, which he relates, is the great distance from which the most minute objects can be plainly seen while in the air. At his greatest height, which he estimates at a mile and a half, he could see the bottom of the river, and even small fishes sporting about. While crossing the river he threw out ballast and increased his distance from the earth; but soon after, fearing that he should fall in with a current which would drive him towards the sea, he took measures to descend, by allowing the gas to gradually escape. His balloon having approached to within a short distance of the earth, Mr Wise commenced to look out for a good spot to land. Coming to a place in Braintrealled Narrow Lane, he threw out his line and called some boys to catch hold of it; but they supposing the it was his intention to draw them into the balloon, refused his request and ran off. He then went up a little and passed over some trees a distance of forty or fifty rods, to an open space, where he called to several boys, who, according to his directions, took hold of the rope of the balloon and held it until a number of me arrived. By the direction of Mr Wise they drew down the balloon until they could take hold of the meshes. The gas was then allowed gradually to escape. Near the place where he landed was a pond of a mil in extent, upon which were several boats ready to pie him up, in case he came down into the water. Mr Wise spent the night with Mr J. H. D. Blake, or Braintree, who followed the direction of the balloon in his wagon, for three or four miles.

Mr Wise states that he would have remained in the air much longer, had it not been for the approach of night, and his apprehension of being carried out to sea. From his ascent to his descent was about forty minutes, the time of his landing being about ten minutes past eight. The distance is about fourteen miles. He arrived in Boston on Saturday, and will make another ascent, as we previously stated, this afternoon

The Balloon Ascension.--In accordance with the notice given to the public, an ascent in the balloon "Young America" was made from the Common yesterday afternoon-not by Mr Wise, senior, as announced, but by his son Charles Wise, who made the ascent on Friday last. He started at six  o'clock and 25 minutes, and immediately rose to a height of about two hundred feet, then taking a northwesterly course. The ascent was then gradual, when young Wise met another current of air, which took him in an easterly direction, and it was feared by many that he was being carried to sea. But he soon lowered himself into the original current, and again took a northwesterly course. The Common was crowded, and the number present could safely be estimated at thirty or forty thousand persons. The interest manifested was very great, and the various direction in which the car of the youthful aeronaut was taken were watched with eager sympathy by the public. At 6 [[?]] o'clock he was over Charlestown neck, and at so short a distance from the earth that his features could be clearly distinguished.

Mr Wise reached terra firma upon the orchard grounds of Mr George Lane, in West Medford, seven miles from Boston, at 25 minutes past 7 o'clock, being in the air just one hour. His greatest altitude was two miles; he was twelve minutes over the Milldam, and the farthest point which he held easterly was over Governor's Island. Upon his return over the city his distance from land was about three-quarters of a mile, and he retained this distance until his landing, passing over Charlestown and Somerville. Mr Wise and his balloon arrived in Boston at about 9 1/2 o'clock.

For the Inland Daily

Boston Balloon Ascension.

MR. EDITOR:-I herewith send you a description my second ascension from Boston Common.

I left the grounds at 20 minutes past 6 o'clock, and in five minutes time I had ascended to the height of mile, when I became stationary, standing over and between the mill-dam and Cambridge bridge, and remained in that position for twelve minutes, not moving at all one way or the other, but rising gently, when, striking the Easterly current, I was slowly walted over the city, and some 5 or 6 miles down the bay between Governor's and Long Island.

Not moving very rapidly I had time to survey the scenery around me, which I think was one of the most beautiful sights that human eyes are permitted to behold; indeed, almost rivaling the Arabian Nights entertainments in musical beauty. But now how wonderfully the scene had changed in a few moments. 30 minutes before could be seen a dense mass of human beings covering 50 acres of ground-now not one could be discerned!

The broad Atlantic laying below, stretching as far as the eye could reach, indeed the vastness was so great that it almost pained me to look thereon; vessels of every description dotted the surface, and their white canvass glittering in the rays of the setting sun, the white foam around Cape Ann, and Nahant and Lynn laying apparently within stone's throw, formed a sight of the most gorgeous description, and one which will long be impressed on my mind.