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Mr. Wise, the Distinguished Aeronaut, to make an Aeriel Trip from St. Louis to the Atlantic Seaboard.

We have been shown a letter from Mr. John Wise, the great aeronaut, to a friend of his in this city, dated New York, May 8th, in which he states that he has just completed his arrangements preparatory to a trans-continental voyage from St. Louis to the Atlantic seaboard, in his monster balloon, the "Nineteenth Century," which is sixty-eight feet in diameter, and will contain from sixty to eighty thousand feet of gas. Mr. Wise expects to make the start from this city about the middle or latter part of June, or at the farthest, early in July. Mr. Wise is prosecuting this undertaking at his own expense, re-garding it chiefly as an experiment with which to satisfy himself on the practicability of his long cherished scheme of aeronauting across the Atlantic Ocean. Mr. Wise also mentions in his letter that a similar enterprise will soon be attempted by Mr. gager, who will make either St. Louis or Chicago his starting point.
The enterprise of Mr. Wise, we are confident, will receive hearty encouragement among our citizens.