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his reckoning in the morning. After bidding the party in the boat a good night and God speed, I coiled myself up in blankets, and laid down as best I could, and in a few moments was sound asleep, and knew of nothing but repose until 11:30 p.m. At this time Mr. La Mountain again mounted for the upper-current; being desirous of making a little more easting, he hailed me to open the valve, as the balloon had become so tense, and the gas was rushing from the neck with a noise, but finding no answer from me, he suspected that I was being smothered in the gas, and he admonished Mr. Gager to mount to my car by a rope provided for that purpose, and Mr. Gager found me breathing spasmodically, but a good shaking and the removal of the neck of the balloon from my face, with plenty of pure cold air around me, soon brought me back to a knowledge of what was going on, and I resolved to sleep no more during the night. At midnight I felt quite well, with an invigorated spirit of observation and interest in our experiment. The whole dome of heaven was lit up with a mellow phosphorescent light, the stars shone with a crystalline brilliancy, and the milky way looked like an illuminated stratum of cumulus clouds. Whenever we crossed water the heaven-lit dome was as visible below by reflection as above. So remarkable was this phosphorescent light of the atmosphere that the balloon looked translucent, and looked like light shining through oiled paper. We could also tell prairie from forest, and by keeping the eye for a moment downward we could see the roads, fences, fields, and even houses quite distinctly at any elevation not over a mile, and even at the greatest elevation we could discern prairie from woodland, and from water. Whenever we halloed it was followed by a distinct echo, and even this served as a differential index to hight. We always found a response in numerous bow-wow-wows, and these, too, were always indicative of the fullness and sparseness of the habitations below, as we could hear them for many miles around us. Mr. La Mountain remarked that nobody lived in that country but dogs, or else the people barked like dogs, he having got a little out of humor, because nobody would tell him in what State we were sailing, and he gave up the inquiry, with the remark that it must be over some other country than America, as we had been moving along at a rapid pace. At 3 a.m., Saturday, we came to a general conclusion that we were somewhere over the State of Indiana or Ohio. At 4 a.m., we passed a city, but could not make it out, but at 5 a.m., we discovered Lake Erie ahead of us, and then concluded that the city we left a little south of our track must have been Fort Wayne. At 6 a.m., we passed Toledo, and about an hour afterward we lowered on the margin of the lake a little north of Sandusky. After a few moments' consultation , and a review of our ballast, we determined to risk the length of Lake Erie, and to test the notion that balloons cannot be kept up long over water, because of some peculiar affinity of the two--a notion that never had any belief with me.Just as we merged upon the lake, a little steam screw that was propelling up a river or bay headed for our track, and some one aboard of her very quaintly cried aloud to us: "That is the Lake ahead of you." Mr. La Mountain cried back, "Is it Lake Erie?" and the answer was, "Yes, it is, and you had better look out." Our good friend, the propeller, finding that we discarded his kindness, founded off again, sounded us a good bye with his steam-whistle, and went his way up the river. Here we mounted up until the balloon got full, and the barometer fell to 23, in order to make along near the southern shore of the lake, but at Mr. La Mountain's suggestion, that we could make the City of Buffalo by sailing but a few hundred feet above the surface of the water, I opened the valve until we gradually sank to within 500 feet of the water. Here we found a gentle gale of about a speed of a mile per minute, and we resolved to float on it until we should heave in sight of Buffalo, and then rise and sail over it. This was the most interesting part of our voyage. We overtook seven steamboats, passed mutual salutations, and would soon leave them flitting on the horizon in our rear. One of these lonely travelers remarked as we passed him, "You are going it like thunder." At 10:20 a.m. we were skirting along the Canada shore and passed near the mouth of the Welland Canal, and soon began to mount for our more easterly current so as to take Buffalo in our track, but we circled up into it between Buffalo and Niagara Falls, crossing Grand Island, leaving Buffalo to the right and Lockport to the left of us in our onward course. Finding ourselves in the State of New-York, but too far north to make the City of New-York, it was agreed that we would make a landing near Rochester, detach the boat, leave out Mr. Gager and Mr. Hyde, and Mr. La Mountain and myself pursue the voyage to a point at Boston or Portland. Accordingly we descended gradually, but before we got within a thousand feet of the earth we found a most terrific gale sweeping along below. The woods roared like a host of Niagaras, the surface of the earth was filled with clouds of dust, and I told my friends certain destruction awaited us if we should touch the earth in that tornado. The huge "Atlantic" was making a terrific sweep earthward; already were we near the tops of the trees of a tall forest, and I cried out somewhat excitedly, "for God's sake heave overboard anything you can lay your hands on La Mountain," and in another moment he responded "all right," standing on the side of the boat with a shaft and wheels, intended for the working of the fan wheels, and ready to heave it over should it become necessary. Mr. Hyde looked up to my car, and very solemnly said, "This is an exciting time, Professor. What shall we do?" "Trust to Providence and all our energies," said I. We were fast running on to Lake Ontario, and O! how terribly it was foaming, moaning and howling. I said "La Mountain, I have 150 pounds of ballast in my car yet, and a heavy valise, and Express Bag, (sent to the U.S. Express Company's Office in Broadway, New-York,) and a lot of provisions." "Well, if that won't do, I will cut up the boat for ballast, and we can keep above water until we reach the opposite shore," which was near a hundred miles off in the direction we were then going. Here I handed my ballast down to LaMountain,as we were rapidly mounting above the terrific gale believing that by that course we should at least get out of its main track. Everything now indicated that we should perish in the water or on the land; and our only salvation was to keep afloat until we got out of the gale, if we could. I said, "You must all get into the basket, if you want to be saved, should we ever reach the land. And I truly tell you that the perils of the land are even more terrible than those of the water, with our machines; to have our bodies mangled by dashing against rocks and trees." By this time Mr. Gager and Mr. Hyde had clambered into the basket with me. Mr. Hyde said very coolly, "I am prepared to die, but I would rather die on land than in the water." I said, "What do you say, Mr. Gager?" He replied, "I would rather meet it on land; but do as you think best." Mr. La Mountain was busily engaged in collecting what he could for ballast. Everything was now valuable to us that had weight. Our carpet-bags, our instruments, the Express Bag, our provisions, were all ready to go, and go they did, one after another, until we were reduced to the Express Bag--that went overboard last. We now descried the shore, some forty miles ahead, peering between a somber bank of clouds and the water-horizon, but we were swooping at a fearful rate upon the turbulent water, and, in another moment, crash went the boat upon the water sidewise, staving in two of the planks, and giving our whole craft two fearful jerks by two succeeding waves. La Mountain stuck to the boat like a hero, but lost his hat, and got a dash of the waves, but soon recovered and threw over the Express bag and the last remaining ballast, and cried out, "Be easy, gentlemen, I'll have her afloat once more." In another moment we were up a few hundred feet again, and the steamer-propeller Young America was tacking across out track. I now proposed to swamp the boat and balloon in the lake, and trust to being picked up by the Young America, but the desire was that we should make the shore and try the land, and as we crossed the bow of the steamer they gave us a hearty hurrah. La Mountain had now cut out of the boat all he could, and we were within fifteen miles of the shore, the gale still raging below. La Mountain might have remained in the boat below, and jumped out at the first touching the earth, and I saw no impropriety in that, as then we might have had another hour or two to wait the lulling of the gale; but he said he would share our fate, and he also clambered into the basket, just as we were reaching the land. I saw by the swaying to and fro of the lofty trees into which we must inevitably dash, that our worst perils were at hand, but I still had a blind hope that we would be saved. I ordered two men upon the valve rope, and we struck within a hundred yards of the water, among some scattered trees, our hook, which was of inch and quarter iron, breaking like a pipe stem at the first catch of it in a tree, and we hurling through the tree tops at a fearful rate. After dashing along this way for nearly a mile, crashing and breaking down trees, we were dashed most fearfully into the boughs of a tall elm, so that the basket swung under and up through the crotch of the limb, and while the boat had caught in some of the other branches, and this brought us to a little, but in another moment the "Atlantic" puffed up her huge proportions, and at one swoop away went the limb, basket and boat into the air a hundred feet, and I was afraid some of the crew were impaled upon the scrags. This limb, about 8 inches thick at the butt and full of branches, not weighing less than six or eight hundred pounds, proved too much for the "Atlantic," and it brought her suddenly down upon the top of a very tall tree and collapsed her. It was a fearful plunge, but it left us dangling between heaven and earth, in the most sorrowful looking plight of machinery that can be imagined. None of us were seriously injured, the many cords, the strong hoop made of wood and iron, and the close wicker-work basket saving us from harm, as long as the machinery hung together, and that could not have lasted two minutes longer. We came to the land, or rather tree, or Mr. T. O. Whitney, town of Henderson, Jefferson Co., New-York. We will soon have the "Atlantic" rebuilt for, what I hope, may prove a more successful demonstration of what we proposed to do on this interesting occasion. Stanwix Hall, Albany, N. Y., July 3, 1859. JOHN WISE. P.S.-Mr. Hyde will furnish the complete history of the voyage on his return home. J.W The Utica Herald, of July 4, in an account of the landing of the balloon, says: A number of farmers had observed the balloon rushing along over the forest, and of course at its landing a crowd had collected. Refreshments were supplied to the voyagers, and every courtesy and attention promptly paid them. They were afterwards taken to Adams, where they arrived about 6 o'clock. The excitement in Adams upon learning of the arrival of the distinguished voyagers was intense. At first the people were incredulous,-they smelt a meteor-remembering moon stories-did not wish to see the elephant or any such sort of animal-but when Mr. Wise produced veritable St. Louis papers dated the day before, and other evidences of the voyage, the people believed, and the aëronauts were the lions of the town. An impromptu meeting was called at Saunders's Hall. Colonel Hungerford presided, by whom the voyagers were introduced to the audience. Professors Wise and Gager respectively related their experiences during the trip. Mr. La Mountain remained with the balloon to save it, if possible. Mr. Hyde left in the evening for St. Louis, and Messrs. Wise and Gager also left on Saturday for the East. The highest point attained during the voyage was a little over two miles. The balloon was charged with 75,000 feet of gas at the starting. The balloon was the one conducted at Lansingburgh, and the voyage was an experiment preparatory to a trip across the Atlantic. The aëronauts are well satisfied with their trip, and are confident that aërial navigation for great distances is entirely practical. The trip cost Mr. Gager alone some $2,000. The entire distance traveled from St. Louis to the point of landing, was eleven hundred and fifty miles, which was done in nineteen hours and fifty minutes, being very nearly a mile per minute. MORNING HERALD. The Great Balloon Voyage. The Perils of Sailing Across the Continent in the Air-Dancing Over the Lakes-Lodging in the Wilderness. Our readers already know all that is interesting about the starting of the balloon from St. Louis. We give notes by the way taken by the Press: THE GREAT AERIAL TRIP. Mr. Wise and his attendants left St. Louis at 40 minutes after 6 o'clock last evening in fine style. Taking an easterly course, they expected to reach the sea board this forenoon. It seems, however, that notwithstanding the success which attended them, they failed in this respect. At 3 o'clock this morning they passed Fort Wayne, and Fremont and Sandusky about 7. We had hoped to hear of their further progress, but the storm has so interrupted the operation of the telegraph line that we probably shall not learn of their outcome. It is a remarkable case, just as it stands. P. S.-A friend at Perrysburg says the balloon was seen by a number of persons from that place at 6 1/2 o'clock this morning. From the Sandusky Register, July 4th. Saturday morning at about twenty minutes past seven, the great aerial ship "Atlantic," which ascended from St. Louis at 6:40 Friday evening, with Wise and his companies aboard, was seen by many of our citizens passing just north of the city, in a north-easterly direction. It remained in sight about half an hour. Two men could be seen distinctly in the car. The balloon was seen by the citizens of Kelly's Island, as the subjoined note will show: EDS. REGISTER: The balloon "Atlantic," (boat attached) passed over the Island, one man in sight, this morning, at 7 1/2 o'clock, at an altitude of about half a mile, taking a course of N. E. or directly down the lake. A.S. KELLY. KELLY'S ISLAND, July 2d, 1859. The "Atlantic" also passed directly over Port Clinton, at which point she was so near the ground that her name could be read with the naked eye. A message was dropped from the car, but before it could be picked up was blown into the water. At six o'clock she passed Fort Wayne, which fact was soon afterwards reported. From the Cleveland Leader of July 4th. We cannot learn that the balloon was seen from Cleveland, though the Sea Bird bound in from Buffalo reports a magnificent view of the air-ship. It was in sight from the boat for nearly an hour, and near the water, so near at one time that the aeronauts were seen to drop a bucket into the Lake and draw up refreshments with a rope! It is quite probable the boat attached to the balloon was tested by sails on the Lake, the voyage being one of experiment with a view to future voyages across the Atlantic. The balloon passed Fairport at half-past nine, and was seen to nearly touch the water; passed Niagara at 12:15, and Medina, in the vicinity of Rochester, at about half-past twelve. THE GREAT BALLOON EXCURSION FROM ST. LOUIS TO THE SEABOARD-Termination of the Trip-Arrival of one of the Party in this City. Mr. William Hyde, of the St. Louis Republican, one of the party of aeronauts who left St. Louis in the mammoth balloon Atlantic, with the intention of traveling across the continent in mid air, arrived in this city yesterday morning on the train from the East, and stopped through the day at the Mansion House. We endeavored to see him, but he had retired to bed immediately upon his arrival, completely exhausted by his long and perilous air voyage, and we were obliged to forego the pleasure of conversing with him. From a friend who was fortunate enough to meet him upon his first arrival, and listen to a brief narrative of the events of his journey, we have obtained the following particulars: The party, composed of himself, Professor Wise, Prof. La Mountain, and another, whose name we did not learn, left St. Louis at 7:20 P. M. Friday. They immediately arose to an altitude of about two miles which was the highest point gained during the trip. Here they found the easterly current, expected, and sailed along at the rate of about a mile per minute. The air was intensely cold and several extra garments failed to prevent a constant shivering among them. It become at last insufferable, and Prof. Wise, thinking to find the same current nearer the earth, allowed the balloon to descend a few hundred feet. AErostation-A Great Theory Established. Within the last week our people have been the immediate witnesses of the grandest feat in aerostation ever yet accomplished. The magnitude of the aerial vessel and the space through which it passed have no previous examples in the history of balloon ascensions. Of the full account of it published by Mr Hyde, of the Republican, who was one of the party in this adventure, it may be truly said that few narrations of similar exploits equal it in point of interest. The necessity of the descent, in order to lighten the vessel, was an unfortunate one. The necessity occurred at a time when such a descent was perilous in the extreme. Whether that necessity could have been obviated by the employment of a