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noxious gases. 

XMass 11 July

TRANS-ATLANTIC BALLOONING - Another Voyage Proposed: We learn from the Philadelphia papers that collections are now being made for the purpose of constructing a balloon, in which Colonel H.C. de Ahna and Charles E Wise, son of Professor John Wise, have agreed to attempt a trip to Europe, on or about August 20. The moneys collected are held in trust by a committee of citizens. Up to this time $237 75 has been subscribed, and the Philadelphia papers seem to think the project will be a success. Mr. Wise, the younger, is a painter by profession - an artist of more than ordinary talent. But his knowledge is not confined to the art of painting, by any means. He has already made at least thirty balloon ascensions - sometimes in company with his father, but most frequently alone. The last ascension made in this city was by Mr. Charles E. Wise, some four years ago, on which occasion his wife accompanied him. That was considered the most beautiful ascension ever made from this city, and was witnessed by thousands of persons. We know Mr. Wise, the younger, thoroughly, and although not so experienced as his father, he possesses all the latter's traits of confidence, self-possession, coolness and courage. We have no doubt whatever that if the Philadelphians give Mr. W. the chance he will not only attempt the voyage across the ocean, but successfully accomplish it.