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BOSTON HERALD. FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 6. AFFAIRS ABOUT HOME. MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS. COMMON COUNCIL. The regular weekly meeting of the Common Council was held last evening, President Shepard in the chair. Several matters of a concurrent nature from the Board of Aldermen were disposed of without debate. The Government of the City.The report and order for a commission of five persons to be appointed to examine the act incorporating the city and all other general and special statutes for the government of the city, and report what changes are necessary or expedient in view of the prospective increase in area and population, came up for consideration, and Mr. West of Ward 16 moved a recommitment to the Committee on Ordinances, his reason therefore being the desire of one of the members of the Committee on Ordinances, who were absent from the committee meeting when the report was talked upon, to hear the arguments in favor of the commission. Mr. Dean of Ward 12, a member of the Committee on Ordinances, also advocated recommitment, and after remarks by Messrs. Holmes, Flynn, Perkins and others, the recommitment was ordered. The New Parker Hill Reservoir. The report and orders for a loan of $115,000 for extension of water pipes in Wards 13, 14, 15 and 16; also for a loan of $161000 for Parker Hill reservoir; also to authorize the Cochituate Water Board to take the land necessary for construction of reservoi, etc., occasioned a discussion, which Mr. Shaw of Ward 5 opened by advocating a postponement of action on this subject. He thought Corey's Hill should have been selected, as it offered better advantages for a reservoir than Parker Hill. He wanted to go see a head of water so strong as to reach the tops of the highest buildings in the city, and thought this could be obtained by building the reservoir on Corey's Hill. Mr. Pease of Ward 1 read a communication from the City Engineer, setting forth the needs of the city and the advantages offered by the two localities named, the conclusions being in favor of Parker Hill. Mr. Pease said to delay action now would be to postpone the whole matter for a year. Mr. Shaw said that no such delay was necessary, and he could almost guarantee to carry the matter through the Legislature in twenty four hours. After further discussion the previous question was ordered, and the report and order were passed-46 to 6. Fourth of July. The report and order for an addition appropriation of $5000 for the celebration of July 4th was apposed by Mr. West of Ward 16, who said that if ever a dollar should be saved, now was the time to save it. The order was lost by a vote of 23 to 25. At a previous meeting to the board, when the above question was acted upon, and the temporary president, Mr. Perkins, ruled that a call for the verification of the vote by years and nays, after a count by the chair, was not in order, and Messrs. Shaw and Flynn were ruled out of order when the chair's decision was appealed from. In order to test this question Mr. Shaw called for a verification of the vote by yeas and nays when the question was acted upon last evening, and the yeas and nays were allowed, the result being yeas 29, nays 22.