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At the meeting of the Board of Health yesterday the Sanitary Committee presented the following report on the business of hog slaughtering:

The committee invited those engaged in the business to a conference, on the 27th day of June. A large number of persons were present, and a general discussion of the subject was had. The butchers complained that they had not had sufficient time to prepare a statement of their views, and, accordingly, the committee sent a circular to each person engaged in the business, inviting him to communicate his opinion in writing. 

The following communication was received on the 18th inst:

Stephen Smith, M. D., Chairman of Sanitary Committee, &c.:

SIR: In reply to your communication of July 9, we would most respectfully submit the following views:
First-The entire suppression of the business of hog slaughtering in the City limits.

We answer that the business is a legitimate business, and therefore entitled to the protection of the law when we do not interfere with the welfare of others.

That we have availed ourselves of all the modern improvements introduced into the business, as far as they have been presented to our notice, and we are willing and ready to make any further improvements that your honorable board may suggest.

The removal of our business outside the City limits would entail a heavy expense which would fall on the consumer in the enhanced value of the product. 

The carting of hogs any great distance, especially during the warm weather, causes them to become [[blocked]] and unfit for [[cutoff]]