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as usual. Notice.—Free list suspended (press excepted).

NATIONAL STANDARD THEATRE, Bishops-gate.—CASTE, the Prince of Wale's Comedy by T.W. Robertson, TO-NIGHT, with Marie Wilton's (Mrs. Bandcroft) Prince Wales's Comedy Company. A legitimate success.

NATIONAL STANDARD THEATRE.—Last ten nights of the Prince of Wales's Company in the brilliant comedy of CASTE. As represented at the Prince of Wales's Theatre, where it was first produced.

MARYLEBONE THEATRE.—MR. GEORGE BELMORE as the Softy, Miss Emma Barnett as Aurora Floyed. Last four nights of their engagement. Musical entertainment. Conclude with RABY RATTLER. Boxes and stalls 1s.; pit 6d.; private boxes from 5s.

COURT THEATRE.—Miss LITTON'S COURT COMPANY will appear THIS EVENING at the THEATRE ROYAL, MANCHESTER, in THE HAPPY LAND. Bradford, Scarborough, Newcastle-ou-Tyne, Glasgow, Dublin, and Bristol to follow.

JUNIUS, XVI., contains: The Puss-in-the-Corner Government—Diary of a Railway Traveller for 1874—"The Happy Family at Home"—Table-talk of Buddle—The Cream of the Week—De Rigneur—Jervoise the General and I—The Wise Counsels of Candidus—The Present Day—Mr. Gladstone's Practical Joke—Crowing over it—By a Ruined Advertiser, &c. Price 2d.—Office, 9, Wellington-stree, Strand, W.C.

[[left]] 102,000 Readers.
Three cartoons this week, viz., "Ministerial Minstrels," "Progress of the Tichborne Trial" (a Sketch in Court), and "Our Astrologer" (with Portraits of Rose Hersee, Anthony Trollope, Ben. Webster, George Crulkshank, and Prof. Tyndal, profusely illustrated; and all the buzzings. Order at once, and send Advertisements by Monday noon.—147, Fleet-street.

"Most Popular of all the Weeklies."—Evening Standard.
[[right]] 246,000 Readers. HOME JOURNAL One Penny
THE HOME JOURNAL is the best medium in the world for Home Advertisements and for Places Vacant and Situations Wanted. No. 17 now ready. The "Home Journal" is now altered to library size, and the new novels, by Miss Braddon, Mrs. Southworth, and Willian Dalton, regularly continued. Short Stories, Poems, Essays, &c. Order at once, as we shall only print up to orders. Advertisements must be sent at once to 147, Fleet-steet, London.

THE BETHESDA MINERAL SPRING WATER of WAUKESHA, Wisconsin.—This natural mineral water has obtained a great reputation in the United States as a cure for all kidney and liver complaints, more especially for diabetes and Bright's disease, hitherto considered incurable. In such cases it gives immediate relief, and soon effects a complete cure, Prospectus on application to the Waukesha Water Company, 129, Minories, London.

FRY'S CARACAS COCOA.—"A most delicious and valuable article."—Standard. "Nothing can be found at all equal to it.—Court Circular.

FRY'S CARACAS COCOA.—"A packet can easily be obtained, and its delicate flavour and fine aroma ensure its adoption as a beverage for breakfast or supper."—Standard

CHLOROZONE, the best Disinfectant.—The Chlorozone referred to in the "Time," July 11, and recommended as the best disinfectant, can be obtained of all chemists by order.

CHLOROZONE, Dr. Harry M. Noad, Ph.D., F.R.S., of St. George's Hospital, says of Chlorozone: "It is superior to Condy's Fluid both as a deodoriser and disinfectant, its action being longer sustained."

CHLOROZONE.—Typhoid Fever in London.—
[[left]] The Great Oxygenating Agent.
Chlorozone should be used freely in every dairy, both public and private, at the present time. Chlorozone is publicly-acknowledged best disinfectant and deodoriser invented, consisting of nascent oxygen and chlorine gas. These, when set free, speedily destroy the organic germs which are brought within the sphere.