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as nothing could be done for weeks, if at all. We turned back to Walden Id., but were ready to move northward any moment if a change came. None came. Aug. 4. with 5 of the crew of the Jarl, we fought our way out of Walden Id.

Now my desire was to reach Transoe as soon as possible, in order to stop Bottalfsen hiring a steamer to go after us. I did not want it said we had to have a relief espedition sent after us. He had reached Transoe two days before we left Walden, but this I did not know. So I hired the Berentine for $800 and came through as fast as we could.

But Bottalfsen had left four days before our arrival, and we had passed on the way! This makes four ships I have hired this summer. Is it any wonder I am poor?

Most bitter disappointment of all was that he (Bottalfsen) carried with him all letters and newspapers. Not a line was here for any of us from home, after all these months. I wired home and she replied "all well." That lifted a big load from my heart. Two days later, I rec'd a letter from her written July 29th, a letter from a friend in Chicago, and a few newspapers. These were balm for a wounded soul.

One of the papers was Chicago Herald with page article and interview with you. You talked good sense to them, and I thank you for it. What a great joy it has been to