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New York Sept. 22d, or perhaps the 29th.

  Have learned a great deal of the news from America - strike, riots, drought, tariff bill, etc.  You can imagine how good it is to get hold of a newspaper.

  As to the future, all is uncertain.  If I were not married, should surely go to the Arctic again next summer.  I may go, anyway, and may not.  I can't tell, yet.  But I like it!

  We got through without many discomforts.  Some danger, some hard work, some wading in water to one's waist, and all that sort of thing.  But nothing very dreadful.  On the whole, a fine summer outing!

  With love to you all - father, mother, Emma and the children - and thanks to you for the kindness I feel you have shown my family and your loyalty to me -

Your brother
Walter Wellman.