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2 [[image: flag saying "VDS"]] Hurtigruteskibet "Vesteraalen"

  Our stu send ones just behing the cost ones are your covered with stu nice white snow,. stu's coast however is often all stu year for heat. Then are all along stu coast however and foams when stu is a little grass patch & quit a few seam to have good buildings and to be preferiuo, stu's whiz business is [[?]] "Codfish" after a man that was at Cawk Wellman last summer + says faith min + stu sogs were well and bye stu way a sishi of ovu ofitu min non at Canada Wellman is working on stu's Boat. I saw stu Sun set for evening at 1020 and raise this morning at 245 What do you think of that Arch would not slup at all were he in this cauuthy well tomorrow at 10 at all We are to arrive at homoaeuduu. I will by for fire at six days then to and mauoland Coach Wellman Sauce Island which will cost 5 or 6 days more then if persiable [[?]] in count.
  Will with you again before leaving Fromose and tell you all I can for I lake in or hope You all will be willing to hear from me. I assume you dashing I would so much like to see you for at times I aw a lilth in wonderment why I left you and Canu way off here alone, after stu Aretie Cirek your having personal ailments have enjoyed stu trip, Am so sorry I forgot my Bible which I intended bringing will see it I Can perform in homsae with nothing to read is bad after living of signt viewing play, Sallire much, Germany + Denmark are fine and well Kept Countries with hundneck of stu Judah Wind dliels. Will Darling if it does not cost too much will call you from homsae. Remember Darling I Love you with my whole heart, and, May Gerd Us with you till we meet again.

Yours Ever