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for somebody going to Franz Josefs land to catch walrus, hoping that I might be able to make an arangement with such a ship for searching for him and his party, and bringing them back at a low freight. - But I am sorry to say; nobody seems intended to go to Franz Josefs land on the catch of walrus, the hides of these beasts being low in price now after so much having been caught last year. - However I have a last hope that the S.S "Balaena" of Dundee will go to Franz Josefs land on this purpose, but there will nothing be decided thereabout before February. - 

I have been confering with Mr. Giaver of Christiania, the owner of the "Frithjof", who took Wellman's party up to Franz Josefs land last year. - He let me know, that for going in search of Mr. Wellman at Franz Josefs land, he would require something more than the freight, paid last year, ca. 25000 kr., and if the ship should freeze up at Franz Josefs land, he would require the same sum once more next year. - Further he would have Mr. Wellman to pay the insurance premium and in case of freezing up to pay wages and board to "Frithjof's" crew for the winter. - I have said 

Transcription Notes:
.Please check the spelling of the name Fraz Josef as well. Christiania - old name for Oslo Please check "S.S Balaena" and "Dundee."