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7:30 P. back where we were at 11  AM now S.W. course to go around the Ice.

12 Night Still going south. Pilot will not move Ice & its difficult to tell where he will go.

Thurs June 10th.

AM Foggy & have drifted to So W  Motor not running. Fog so heavy can see but little more than ships length. have to use Fog horn. 

12 noon headed NW with sails only. but at 3:30 it had cleared sufficient to go ahead so the Motor was started & entered Ice field at 6 P.M. through worst at 7:30 very exciting, as well as interesting, monster bergs. 

Saw several seals at which the men shot at but did not kill any we know of. 

10 P.M. 180 mi from Danes Island, have a good strong wind 7 mi motor not in use, not necessary. Snow storm for 15 minutes