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Costly indeed was the telegram being delivered last August by the messenger boy whose bicycle injured Mrs. Margaret A. Dodd on a downtown corner. A jury in Judge E. P. McDaniel's court yesterday awarded her $15,163.94 in her suit against the Postal Telegraph and Cable Company.

Lying on a hospital cot during court sessions for tendays, Mrs. Dodd's testimony disclosed this was the fifth serious accident that had befallen her. 

Twenty-three years age she was run over by an automobile. In 1921, she was hurt getting off a street car. In 1925 she almost died because of an overdose of sleeping powders. And one year later a pistol she was examining exploded and missed her heart inches, the bullet penetrating a shoulder.

Her attorneys in the present action were Allen Washburn and C. F. Sutton.

Four Hours Saves Youth From Court
BUFFALO, Nov. 14.-Four hours saved Casimer Kiendrzinski, 17 years old, from trial in City Court on an automobile theft charge. The youth's lawyer, with an eye for details, looked up the boy's birth certificate when he prepared his argument. The lawyer found Casimer was born 17 years minus fours hours before the alleged theft occurred, and his care was transferred to Children's Court.

Colorado Students Study Weed Control
M'CLAVE, Colo., Nov. 14.-The McClave High School has a class in the study of weed control. Seventeen different weeds were identified and sent to the botany department of the Colorado Agricultural College. 

Boys, Danny Small and Harry Mays in "Taking It Easy," and Joe Young in "Hokumology." A newsreel and short comedy completes the program.