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The story of the struggle for the North Pole told by a participant. For fifteen years Mr. Walter Wellman, the explorer and writer, has battled with the elements in a determined effort to reach the North Pole, first attempting to accomplish the task by sledging, finally undertaking the discovery by means of the Dirigible Air Ship. 

Mr. Arthur Wellman was a member of the party making the last dash. He is fully conversant with the circumstances of the attempts and with all the incidents in Norway and the frozen north, having made the trip through Europe and to Camp Wellman at Spitzbergen, assisting his brother in all preparations and was present at the departure of the Air Ship for the North Pole. 

The Lecture by Mr. Arthur Wellman is full of interesting details, references to strange life and the northern ice, narrow escapes from stirring dangers and occurrences connected with the life of the explorer by sledge and Air Ship. 

The Lecture is illustrated by 50 pictures thrown by strong stereopticon upon canvas, in which the camp is shown as clearly as if before the eyes of the audience. 

Here are seen the Air Ship house, the gas apparatus, the glaciers, the Spitzbergen mountains, and the great Air Ship "America" with all its equipment ready for the dash to the North Pole.
Mr. Wellman is a traveler of large experience. As an entertainer he commands enthusiastic interest. This Lecture offers an unusual opportunity to learn of the heroic efforts to reach the North Pole at first hand from one who has taken part in them. 

Dates and terms may be arranged by correspondence, 
Exclusive management of A. W. Wellman, 
Madison, Wis.