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Transcription: [00:00:09]
{SPEAKER name="Jo Radner"} Annual festival of American Folklife here in the area of the Deaf, the Deaf community's folklore.
And at 11 o'clock we're planning to have a discussion here with some of our participants, about what the Deaf, Deaf folklore actually consists of.
I'm going to begin by asking each of our participants in turn to tell you his or her name, where he or she lives and so on, and then we'll get to a start in the workshop.
After a while I'll be asking for questions from the audience, please catch my eye, wave a flag, wave a handkerchief, wave a hand, if you have a question that you want to ask.
And also please if you're not used to talking to people through interpreters let me suggest that you ask your question directly to the participant, don't ask toward the interpreter.
The interpreter will just translate what you say, either from sign to voice or from voice to sign depending on how you say it. [[small chuckle]]
So at question time please ask your questions directly to the participants. I'd like to ask first Libby to introduce herself.
Would you tell your name and where you come from, what you do?
{SPEAKER name="Libby Hathaway/Sheila Grinell (interpreter)"}
My name is Libby Hathaway and I'm from Baltimore Maryland. I work for Studio 101, before that I worked various odd jobs as an actress, a linguistics, a restaurant dishwasher.
I was in Maryland School for the Deaf. I graduated in 1973, after that I went to Gallaudet College until '77. I left school and did some odd jobs.
{SPEAKER name="Jo Radner"} Thank you
{SPEAKER name="Steve Jones/John Ennis (interpreter)"} My name is Steve Jones. I'm from Baltimore Maryland. I came here about 10 years ago.
That's when I first started learning sign language. And I work for the Washington Post newspaper as a printer.

Transcription Notes:
Fairly confident the moderator is "Jo Radner" but she doesn't introduce herself so I'm not sure. Note: for Libby Hathaway we are hearing the voice of an interpreter (newspaper printing used to be a common occupation for Deaf people as it was very noisy and that didn't pose a communication problem for Deaf people like it does for hearing people)