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Transcription: [00:34:42]

{SPEAKER name="Jan DeLap/Sheila Grinnell (interpreter)"}
We have our quote "social clubs." Every big city in America has their own deaf clubs.
I think there's about 200 in America and deaf people do congregate there, get together there on weekends; play cards, talk, drink, eat, share information, exchange information, learn, tell jokes and perform exciting events.
They have sports. We have baseball tournaments, football, many things. We meet many needs of ours.

{SPEAKER name="Jo Radner"}
Thank you very much. You'll be able to see, as I said, at 12 o'clock a performance of these people have been titled Deaf Kaleidoscope, some traditional folk theater from the deaf clubs, from the deaf community and I invite you to come back at that time.
Right now I'd like to thank our participants. Will you help me thank them?

{SPEAKER name="Jan DeLap/Sheila Grinnell (interpreter)"}
Thank you.

{SPEAKER name="Jo Radner"}
And I'd like to thank you, I'd like to thank our interpreters.
And if you have questions you'd like to ask later the interpreters will be here the help you if you need to, have some one sign for you.

Right now over in our other tent, we'll be having a demonstration of the TTY the Tele Typewriter that Dick was describing earlier, at 12 o'clock, we'll begin Deaf Kaleidoscope. Thank you very much.

{SPEAKER name="Jo Radner"}
Hello folks I would like to welcome you to the 15th Annual festival of American Folk life. Here in the deaf folklore area now and you're about to have a very special program here.
A company called Studio 101 of local deaf actors is going to present a series of traditional skits, called Deaf Kaleidoscope.

and I'd like to begin by introducing their leader who will tell you a little bit about the program and present the actors herself. I'd like to introduce you to Jan DeLap, will you please welcome her?