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Transcription: [00:06:58]
{SPEAKER name="Libby Hathaway/Sheila Grinell (interpreter)"}
The letters, the alphabet.
{SPEAKER name="Jo Radner"}
Oh, yes, of course. Would you like to explain about that? Dick? Or anything?
{SPEAKER name="Dick Moore/Sheila Grinell (interpreter)"}
The ABCs you mean?
{SPEAKER name="Jo Radner"}
{SPEAKER name="Dick Moore/Sheila Grinell (interpreter)"}
Really things that excite me, I notice many high schools have sign language as a foreign language, as a course.
It's excite--exciting to see many young people knowing how to fingerspell.
In most communities they have TTY services. You know what a TTY is?
We talk on the telephone through a machine, a typewriter.
You put the telephone on this thing and you can type to another machine that has the same thing as mine does so we can communicate through the telephone.
{SPEAKER name="Jo Radner"}
It's a wonderful device and it's only about 17 years old I think.
We have one in the other tent, and at 11:45, right after this panel, we'll be giving a demonstration of how it works. You can come and visit us.
{SPEAKER name="Dick Moore/Sheila Grinell (interpreter)"}
I think maybe it'd be interesting to see or to hear about my first experience with a TTY machine.
All my life the phone meant nothing to me. Except people would run and pick it up. That was it. It wasn't for me.
But I came to D.C. in 1969, the year of '69, and a friend demonstrated her new, and at that time it was very new, her TTY.
And I was just amazed! You could talk on the phone! And I was so excited, and I sat down and I started typing. And then as years went by I realized that it's, it's an interference. Like, I'll be in the middle of something or

Transcription Notes:
Libby Hathaway and Dick Moore are voiced by an interpreter. Fairly confident the moderator is Jo Radner.