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Transcription: [00:18:55]
{SPEAKER name="Libby Hathaway/Shelia Grinnell (interpreter)"}
Ah, We'll save that for the 1 o'clock performance.
{SPEAKER name="Jo Radner"}
It's okay we'll have a different audience.
{SPEAKER name="Libby Hathaway/Shelia Grinnell (interpreter)"}
All right.

[[silence while story is signed]]
[[silence while story is signed]]

{SPEAKER name="Jo Radner"}
Would you like to guess what that was?
{SPEAKER name="Audience member"}
Um, she was thirsty--
{SPEAKER name="Shelia Grinnell"}
She was thirst--
Here, talk into this.


{SPEAKER name="Audience member"}
She was thirsty and she went to the faucet and turned on the water and got a drink of water.
{SPEAKER name="Jo Radner"}
That's right. Now how many of you saw anything --
{SPEAKER name="Libby Hathaway/Shelia Grinnell (interpreter)"}
But did you see the numbers?

{SPEAKER name="Libby Hathaway/Shelia Grinnell (interpreter)"}
But did you see the numbers?


{SPEAKER name="Shelia Grinnell"}
Okay, do it again slowly with the numbers.
One, thirsty. Two, she's looking around.
Three, turns on the water. Four, the water comes down.
Five, is the glass. Six, this is a sign for water.

{SPEAKER name="Jo Radner"}
How many of you know how to count to ten, on one hand?


{SPEAKER name="Jo Radner"}
Let's show 'em.
{SPEAKER name="Libby Hathaway/Shelia Grinnell (interpreter)"}
You do.


{SPEAKER name="Jo Radner"}
Let's show 'em. Everybody put up your hand, let's show 'em.

{SPEAKER name="Jo Radner"}
Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
Now you can do it.


{SPEAKER name="Jo Radner"}
Thank you very much, that's a pretty one.
Now my question, that I interrupted myself in the middle of was - is that ever a kind of a riddle too?
Do you use that one and ask people, children especially, if they see all the numbers?


{SPEAKER name="Jo Radner"}
Do you ever ask people to guess?
