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Transcription: [00:00:07]
{SPEAKER name="Dick Moore/John Ennis (interpreter)"}
Loan? No. Borrow? No. Not sure.

I took it over.

I asked-- give it to the teller and I turned up the volume, high, so I can hear her. Maybe the woman will tell me something.

But that's when the guards thought I was trying to rob her.

[[laughter, clapping]]

{SPEAKER name="Jan de Lap/Shirley Schultz (interpreter)"}

Must be the only, uh, only what?

Air conditioned tent in here-- clapping, keeping the air move, here, cool.


So, you assume that you can understand body language that easily, be careful.


The deaf community has its own jokes, uh, based on, uh, previous experiences.

One is with a policeman that has happened to some deaf people in the past and, uh, many deaf people enjoy this one. I think we'll show you this in action rather than in sign, explaining it.

I will be acting as a hearing person-- hitch hiker --in this one. So, make believe I can hear.

And I'll have a deaf driver, picking up a hearing hitchhiker, and we'll see what happens.


Nice, big car.


Going my way?