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Transcription: [00:31:16]
{SPEAKER name="John Ennis"}
And that is "D" for "Ford". But she was putting in actions and showing it with the eyes looking side to side, nobody's around, you ready? Let's drag! [[Laughter from the audience]]
{SPEAKER name="Jan DeLap/John Ennis (interpreter)"}
Let's have another one.
Did you get that one? Okay, let's do that one again.
right "R", an "A" for "acing", and then the "G", "gone". Drag, a drag race.
Analyzing each different letter, you'll see the action fits with the letter. Can you do something else also?
Did you get that one? It started with a "G", she put an "O".
Hit it an "L" and it took off into an "F". "Golf"! Did you catch that? [[Audience chuckles]]
Little bit vague? Perhaps we'll try one more. See if we can get this one.
[[inaudible response from audience]]
Yes, right, very good. "Butterfly", he spelled the word out, the whole thing, and put it into actions.
We have, uh--many, well, many deaf know the story that starts from "A" and goes through "Z", trying to make it related as a story using all the different letters of the alphabet.