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Transcription: [00:22:31]
{SPEAKER name="William Ennis/John Ennis (interpreter)"}
"That's strange, I never saw him. Did you ever see him there?" Then they started talking, and by that time I decided "Ah, heck, that was, I was tired of that fun, let's play basketball."

I went over to play basketball. I came back, he was still talking, having a big time, socializing. I got there. Then I started to kind of laugh. I said, "My, my brother's still having the fun, hanging in there." But my brother said he could hear me laughing and everything.

And then he started laughing. And so we all started just laughing so hard. And the kids started looking at each other, "Why are they laughing so hard? What's up?"

And I said, "All right, all right, look, it's time for me to tell you something. This boy here that I told you he's from New York, found him in the subway and all that. Nah, he's really my brother. He's a hearing boy."

They said, "Uh, no he's not. I don't believe that. Don't you tell me that. No, no."

I, "What? Wait a minute, no really, I'm telling you the truth. Do you said, did you ever see him at P.S. 47?" "No." "That's right, I never saw him." "See, that's what I'm trying to tell you, he never went to P.S. 47. He goes to a hearing school, he's not a deaf, he doesn't go to deaf schools."

"No, no, no" and then they started trying to test him. "All right. Let's see, let's test him." "Turn around, turn around." So John Mark had to turn around.

Then they all, everybody went "Shh," everybody quiet, don't, don't use your voice. "Sh, sh." Turn around, turn around. So he got turned around and they say, I don't know what they said, what word they may have used or anything, but they said something.

He says, "All right, I heard you." They said, "Oh no, just right, you were lucky, you just got that one, just at the right timing. Turn around, I want to try this again."

By that time, all the kids were trying to use all their different voices, he's saying, all these different ones were using their voices. And they begin to realize, wait, maybe he really is. "You're, you're hearing? You can really hear?"

"How come that you were fooling us? Why were you trying to fool us?" And they were just kind of stunned. And we said, "Oh, we just kind of playing around, you know, just, just for fun. He's just my brother! What's the matter?" "He's your brother? Oh yeah? Brother, yeah, okay, all right."
Then they started getting along after that. But we had a good time there, is that right? Yeah.

{SPEAKER name="John Ennis"}
Look, he came here, from Philadelphia.
{SPEAKER name="Don Pettingill"}
{SPEAKER name="John Ennis"}
I told you he was from Philadelphia.
{SPEAKER name="Don Pettingill"}
Don't apologize. A lot of people have a problem with being here, I mean its your time!
{SPEAKER name="Don Pettingill"}
I lost my hearing when I was five, from the German measles. And there was no real problem because my father was hard of hearing, and I had eight brothers and sisters, but I was dead center and that's why I've been fighting everybody all my life!