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Transcription: [00:45:14]
[[Clunking sounds, ruffling]]
{SPEAKER name="Don Pettingill"}
Can you hear me alright?
I was walking down the street with my son, Rich. And a man comes up to me, tries to talk to me, and I know that nine times out of ten, they're asking for directions.
Perfect stranger, so [[inaudible]]
To the stranger. And the guy looked at me
Like, "What the?" With a strange face.
I don't know what to do. What did I do wrong?
All he wanted was a light!
{SPEAKER name="Shirley Schultz"}
Okay, it's time for us to stop, and I'd like to invite deaf visitors to share with us by telling jokes, personal experiences.
Anyone like to come on stage?
{SPEAKER name="Shirley Schultz"}
[[addresses audience]] Can you hear her?
{SPEAKER name="Audience"}
{SPEAKER name="Audience Member/Shirley Schultz (interpreter)"}
Okay, I'll--uh-no. [[car horn]] This is a lumber joke.
One day a deaf man with an axe, walking along the forest, looking for a tree, found one, started chopping and he said 'Timberrrr' tree falls.
Looks for another one, chopping, yelling 'Timberrrr' and it falls.
Now he finds another good one. Chops it down yells 'Timberrr' doesn't crash but, he doesn't understand why.
So he called the tree doctor, 'come here' waited for him to come and with his stethoscope he could see that this tree was deaf and blind, so he had to write T.I.M.B.E.R on the tree... BOOM!
[[clapping and laughter]]
{SPEAKER name="Shirley Schultz"}
Any more? Any other deaf visitors? Do you want to tell us a joke?