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Court's Martial shall not be ordered except for a major offence in accordance with Regulations. 

Court's Personnel Number:  Court's Martial shall consist of not less than three members, nor more than thirteen. 

Appointment: Court's Martial shall be appointed by the  Commanding General.

Duties:  The duties of the Court's Martial shall be:- 

a. To notify the accused (in writing) of the time, date, and place of Court's Martial.
b. To conduct trial of all persons brought before them, permitting the accused to have for her defense such counsel as she may designate. 

c. At the time of serving member to be tried with notice of time, date and place of trial, the accused member shall be furnished with a complete and true copy of the complaint and this shall be done at least one month before the trial. 

1. Any member may be tried by Court's Martial for any offense that tends to bring discredit against the Flag and the Women's National Air Corps. 

Examples:- Conduct unbecoming a member of the Women's National Air Corps: wrongful use or display of uniform: conduct unbecoming a lady and an officer: violations of Women's National Air Corps Regulations and designated duties: loss of a Department of Commerce license because of violation of its regulations: use of the name "Women's National Air Corps", its uniform, Flag, or membership to personally publicize one's self or in any manner whatever